Mini croissants crème de marrons et éclats d’amandes – Recette en vidéo

Mini croissants crème de marrons et éclats d’amandes – Recette en vidéo

2025 has arrived and I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my best wishes for the year that has just begun. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your family and loved ones and that you were spoiled by Santa Claus :-).

Today I offer you mini flaky croissants with chestnut cream and slivered almonds. A quick and easy recipe that requires very few ingredients to prepare. Your snack or breakfast will be ready in no time and you can treat your loved ones. Additionally, you can involve your children in the process and they will be happy to help you.

Slivered almonds provide a crunchy texture and a pleasant toasty flavor. You can easily adapt the recipe to your own taste or to the ingredients you have: use jam instead of chestnut cream, walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts instead of almonds.

Furthermore, I inform you that I created my Youtube channel sugar and spices I invite you to subscribe to find and receive my recipe videos. It’s free and your support will be great. Also remember to subscribe to the blog newsletter so you don’t miss any new recipes.

Please feel free to subscribe to my blog newsletter and my YouTube channel sugar and spices This way you won’t miss any new recipes. If you have questions or if you made one of my recipes to share your experience, please leave a comment. I will be very grateful to you.

© 2024 Sugar & Spice. These texts and photographs are the property of Sucre et idées and are not royalty-free. Any reproduction without the author’s written permission is prohibited.

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