Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • A Journey to Reimagining – Thrive Global

    There are points in time that can divide our lives into a “before” and an “after.” A moment when a line of demarcation is drawn, after which the lens through which you look at the world permanently shifts. Usually, these moments come unbidden, when you least expect them. For me, it arrived during a bicycle ride…

  • A Tribute to My Father: Dr. Aaron Coleman – Thrive Global

    My father passed yesterday, and I have been thinking of the gifts he gave me and what it means to carry the best of his spirit forward, to share with my children, my friends, with you. My dad grew up as a depression-era Jew emerging from the Coleman clan as his grandfather came here –…

  • 10 Common Mind Traps We Fall Into When We’re Feeling Stressed – Thrive Global

    You can see how easy it is to get swept away by your negativity bias into a whirlpool of addictive thinking patterns. Under workaholic stress, negative self-talk pops up with such lightning speed that you might not even notice. Work addiction is kept alive by the exaggerated conclusions we draw, most of which are distorted.…

  • How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome at Work – Thrive Global

    It was January, and snow covered the ground. Inside my office, Lois was having an anxiety attack because she feared she would not be able to succeed in the highly competitive real estate field in which she had worked day and night for several years. She believed it was only a matter of time before…

  • Your Calling Never Expires – Thrive Global

    I could’ve done anything in my twenties, but I followed a pattern. Instead of doing what I thought the culture wanted me to do, I should’ve figured out my calling. That’s what happened during my time alone in my apartment, and it changed my life. The beautiful thing is that you can do this at…

  • 10 New Ways to Think About the Challenges You Face – Thrive Global

    Writer and poet Maya Angelou, who faced many challenges in her life, said, “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” That is a powerful statement and guide for treating adversity as a gift, an opportunity to emerge stronger than before. So often, we view challenge…

  • The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom – Thrive Global

    When I was nine, my mother died, so during a chunk of my chaotic childhood, I lived with my paternal grandparents— immigrants from Poland, observant Jews. Most of the practices of the household, like not turning on the lights on Saturday, the Sabbath, I simply followed with little interest or curiosity about any possible deeper…

  • The Power of Using Awakened Awareness In Our Everyday Lives – Thrive Global

    Achieving awareness is the perception that our purpose is to organize and control our lives. When we live through our achieving awareness, our foundational concern is, How can I get and keep what I want? This mode of awareness is useful—and often necessary. It gives us the focused attention and commitment necessary to attain goals…

  • The Power of Taking Up Space – Thrive Global

    “In Mary Otis’s novel Burst (Zibby Books, April 2023) following her short story collection Yes, Yes, Cherries, we follow a nomadic mother and daughter as one wrestles with alcoholism while the other rises as a dancer–exploring ideas of art, addiction, and inheritance. In this abridged scene, after Charlotte and Viva have moved yet again, we find Viva in a performing arts…

  • An Ode to the Micro-Ambitious: How to Master Minor Milestones for Major Progress – Thrive Global

    I love to garden, and it’s not simply the act of gardening but the garden as a teacher. A garden is potted poetry. It’s not beautiful because each section is beautiful, but because each part exists in relation to the others. Gardening is an exercise of alignment and authenticity—as is the vision you cultivate for…

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